domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2007

Fucking shit! (with photos)

Vocês já tiveram que limpar merda de alguém no banheiro?

Pois é este dia tive que fazer tal ato. Tudo graças ao FDP que; não me perguntem como, mas ele conseguiu cagar na parede do banheiro do PUB. Sim, parede e chão.

E tem um garçom no PUB que se chama Jesus. O cara é gente fina demais e até então eu não sabia da história que alguém tinha cagado no chão do banheiro até que o Jesus chega pro Johnnye (Gerente) e diz:
- Johnnye, sorry. But I can't.
Eu sem saber do que se tratava, fiquei quieto até que o gerente chega para mim e diz:
- Bruno, help Jesus, please.
- No problem Johnnye. What u need?
- Help Jesus!

Ok, vou ajudar o JC.
Bruno: - Hey Jesus, what u need?

Jesus: - Hmmm. Bruno I think it's better u take a look.
Vou ao banheiro e vejo a tal cena e o cheiro horrível se espalhando pelo ar.
Bruno: - Fucking shit. Jesus...Who made this?
Jesus: - I don't know man. But we need to clean.
Bruno - We?
Jesus: Help me. Please. Take the mop (não sei se é assim que se escreve, mas é escovão)
Bruno: Ok.
Enquanto vou pegar a Mop. Jesus vai a cozinha e começa a falar:
Fucking shit. I always working in a pub, bar and restaurant. But i've never seen this in my live. It's incredible.
(Sim, o refrão começou a ser repetido umas 30 vezes).
Não parava de rir da cara de indignação do espanhol que carrega o nome do nosso salvador.
Peguei a mop e ele ainda reclamando e agora pedindo uma máscara pq o cheiro estava insuportável. Os caras da cozinha pra sacanear deram um óculos de natação.
Daí foi só risada e o JC indignado dizendo:
Fucking shit...Really, it's a big fucking shit. Take a look at the bath.
- Bruno, take hot water, please. Help me man!
Ok, peguei a água quente e fui lá no banheiro com o salvador. Chegando lá, ele ainda indignado limpando a privada e eu não agüentando de rir da cara de indignação dele. E o coitado:

- Bruno please. Stop laught and help me man.
E eu disse:
- Sorry Jesus, but i can't. Sorry.
Ok, ele limpou tudo, deixou o banheiro brilhando depois foi só risada.
Ele chegou para o chefe e ainda disse:
- Johnnye i need double tips. Because i clean d fucking shit.

Bom moçada, é isso. Se alguém cagar pra fora da privada, já sabem. Call to Jesus, ok?

Segue algumas fotinhos aí da casa nova, do jantar japones aqui em casa e acho que só.

(Thiago, Marcela eu e Jackson)
Corredor - Acesso a sala
Quarto 1
Banheiro suíte
Temos até lareira...kkkk
Vista da sacada
Pois é; Queria só sair na foto.
Jantar japona em casa.

segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2007

Sorry. But this blog is temporary out of service!

Dear friends.

Here I am to tell about my life here. Actually, I don't have time enough to write as well. And for me this is horrible.

So, I have been working at two places. One as a sales assistant and the other one as a bar back with Toro.
It's really nice both of them, but I can sleep only 4 hours per night. And the big problem is the fucking school.
Ok, I need to be about 80% of tendency if I want to renew my visa for 1 year or more. I really try, but two weeks before the Christmas it's a problem, cause I'm nothing going to school every day.
But I'll do that until christmas, after that I'll try to go to the school every single day. It's a fucking promess.

Oh, and I'm very, very, very happy. I left my old house. Ok, it's a good place, but it's very cold, specially in the mornings when I used to go to the job or school. (Actually most of the time when I really needed to wake up it was for the job, not for the
The place is fucking cold.
Now I'm living with the couple who came with me in the same flight, and the brazilian guy who used to live with me in the old house.
The place is very nice, really warmer and cleaner.

So that's it folks.
When I've time enough again I'll post it. Ok?
Take care and If you drink don't drive.

terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2007

Let's improve the fucking english.

Come on guys.
Why every one who talks in english like to put the word FUCK in every sentence?
Honestly, since I came to Dublin I use this word in every sentence.
If you want to talk in english like the irish or the british or the american people. It's very simple and very easy.

Look at this sentence. If you learn english in Brazil. This sentence would be the same as this one:

- Hello, I'm Bruno. I've been in Dublin for almost 2 months. The weather here isn't so good, but the city is very good. The people are very friendly and drink a lot.
I'm very happy here. Because I improve my english and because Corinthians went down to the second division.

Now if you learn english in another country:

Hello, I'm Bruno. I've been in fucking Dublin for almost fucking 2 months. The fuck weather here isn't fucking good, but the fuck city is fucking good. The fucking people are very fucking friendly and drink a lot.
I'm fucking happy here. Because I improve my fucking english and because the fucking Corinthians went down to the fucking second division...

Did u see?

The fucking english is not so difficult. Let's improve only the fuck word.

Cheers fucking friends.